Customer Statement – Responding to Coronavirus (COVID-19)

15 October 2021: Vaccine requirements to visit Pronto Software Melbourne Office
In accordance with Victorian Government requirements, all employees and visitors aged 12 and over to the Pronto Software Melbourne Office from Friday, 15 October 2021 will need to show valid proof that they have received the first COVID-19 vaccine dose, or an authorised exemption. From Friday, 26 November, a COVID-19 digital certificate showing double dose/full vaccination will be required. Similarly, only vaccinated Pronto Software staff will be allowed to visit customer sites in Victoria.
Over the course of this pandemic, Pronto Software has followed all public health directions issued by the Victorian Chief Health Officer to help contain the spread of COVID-19 and keep its employees, business partners, visitors and the broader community safe. This is another important step that is being taken to help protect each other and we are grateful for your cooperation.
5 August 2021: New COVID-19 restrictions for VIC
For VIC customers – The Victorian Government has implemented a lockdown and Pronto Software VIC staff will operate according to remote working protocols until restrictions ease. While this requires all site visits to be conducted remotely or rescheduled, the Pronto Software team is well-prepared to continue supporting customers in this challenging time.
Good health and strong spirits to all.
31 July 2021: New COVID-19 restrictions for South East Queensland
The Queensland Government has implemented a lockdown and Pronto Software Brisbane branch staff will operate according to remote working protocols until 8 August. To ensure each other’s safety, all meetings are being conducted via video or teleconferencing with in-person site visits suspended temporarily.
By working together, we support the community’s effort to overcome this outbreak.
28 June 2021: New COVID-19 restrictions for NSW
For NSW customers – given the imposition of the lockdown for Greater Sydney including the Blue Mountains, Central Coast and Wollongong, Pronto Software NSW staff will operate according to remote working protocols until further medical advice from the State Government. While this requires all site visits to be conducted remotely or rescheduled, the Pronto Software team is well-prepared to continue supporting customers in this challenging time.
We extend our best wishes for your continued good health.
3 June 2021: Extension of COVID-19 restrictions for Greater Melbourne
For Victorian Customers – given the extension of the lockdown for Greater Melbourne, Pronto Software Victorian staff will continue remote working protocols until 17 June. To ensure each other’s safety, all meetings are being conducted via video or teleconferencing with in-person site visits suspended temporarily.
By working together, we support the community’s effort to overcome this outbreak.
27 May 2021: New COVID-19 restrictions for Victoria
For Victorian Customers – given the imposition of a seven-day lockdown, Pronto Software Victorian staff will switch to remote working protocols from today. While this requires all site visits to be conducted remotely or rescheduled, the Pronto Software team is well-prepared to continue supporting customers in this challenging time.
12 February 2021: New COVID-19 restrictions for Victoria
For Victorian Customers – given the imposition of a five day lockdown, all Pronto Software Victorian staff will operate according to our remote working protocols. This means that customer site visits will be rescheduled or conducted remotely where possible.
The Pronto Software team will continue to support our customers during these challenging times.
18 November 2020: New COVID-19 restrictions for South Australia
With the announcement today from the South Australian (SA) Government regarding the statewide six day lockdown, the Pronto Software Adelaide office has been closed and staff have switched to working from home. The team is well prepared for this change and will support South Australian customers during this time with no expected disruption to services. The remote work protocol will be in place until further advice is received from the SA Government about the relaxation of guidelines.
We wish everyone in SA strength and good health during this challenging period.
08 November 2020: COVID-19 restrictions ease for Victoria
Pronto Software is very encouraged by the reduction in COVID-19 cases across Australia, especially in Victoria. While the majority of staff continue to work remotely, we are now cautiously conducting some additional activities in certain areas on an as-needed and exception basis, such as:
• Domestic travel between Brisbane and regional Queensland
• Domestic travel between Queensland and the Northern Territory
• Domestic travel between South Australia and Western Australia
• Pronto Software Consultants visiting customer sites on a limited basis in all states where COVID-Safe plans are in place
• Visiting sites in Regional Victoria on an as-needed basis where COVID-Safe plans are in place
While the our default position is to work remotely where practical, Pronto Software continues operating at full capacity to support our valued customers as we progress towards COVID-Normal.
The Melbourne office will remain closed until 4 January, 2021 after which we will begin limited attendance, based on Victorian Government guidelines.
07 July 2020: New COVID-19 restrictions for Victoria
With the re-introduction of Stage-3 restrictions, all face-to-face meetings and customer site visits in the Melbourne metro area will be stopped – unless there are exceptional circumstances. Arrangements will be made to meet virtually (via video/teleconference) where ever possible. In line with advice from the Victorian Chief Health Officer, all our Melbourne-based staff continue to follow our remote work protocol.
We extend our best wishes for your continued good health and please know the Pronto Software team are all here working to support our customers.
29 May 2020: Easing of COVID-19 restrictions & working with Pronto Software
In accordance with guidance from Australia’s Chief Medical Officer, Pronto Software continues to follow our remote working protocol. As local lockdowns are removed however, we’ve planned a selective rotation of some employees back into offices, in a safe and gradual manner. Protecting the health and well being of our staff and customers will remain a high concern.
With easing restrictions, we’ve also resumed face-to-face meetings and customer site visits. To ensure this is managed safely, we ask all employees and guests to please complete a wellness questionnaire and gain approval before entering our office or attending a customer site. Meetings will need to adhere to the following criteria:
- Limited number of participants, applying the one person per four sqm rule in enclosed spaces. To achieve this, we must know how many guests are attending and ensure the meeting room/space booked is suitably sized.
- Short as possible duration – under two hours ideally.
- Take precautionary measures (good traffic flow, spacing people 1.5 metres apart, no handshaking).
- Heightened hygiene in regards to hand washing. Hand sanitisers and wipes are available throughout offices for all staff and visitors.
- No shared equipment as the virus can live on surfaces including pens, keyboards, tabletops, etc. Clean and disinfect shared high-touch surfaces frequently.
- Our premises are cleaned regularly and rooms will be sanitised after each meeting.
- All attendees from both organisations must be free from any known symptoms of COVID-19 or other highly contagious diseases.
- Temperature checks will be in place in Eastern State offices for the short term, to be reviewed at the end of June.
We understand these measures cause some inconvenience and we greatly appreciate your cooperation and understanding. While we are all working towards establishing a new normal, during this transition we will continue to keep our Business Continuity Plan in place, as required.
Though access to our physical offices may be limited for some time to come, the Pronto Software team continues to offer every support we can. Should you have any questions please contact your Account Manager.
It is easy to become complacent, however with determination we can make this work – and protect each other, our families and the community at large.
27 March 2020: Switch to remote working protocol
All Pronto Software offices have switched to our remote working protocol. This decision was taken as a result of advice from Australia’s Chief Medical Officer and the World Health Organisation asking people to stay at home wherever possible, to limit the spread of COVID-19 in our communities.
Though this is an unprecedented situation our business and all employees are well-organised to continue to work remotely. Customers please continue to connect with us via:
- Pronto Plus, our customer portal, to log all support requests
- emails and calls to your Account Manager
We’re all following the health advice and restrictions because we know that people in our communities are counting on us to do this. Thank you for supporting our decision and helping us to make this work.
19 March 2020: Responding to COVID-19
Pronto Software is monitoring developments related to COVID-19 and we will continue to respond to updates and keep you informed of any adjustments to our business operations. We share the concerns of our community and have actioned changes to help protect the health and well-being of our customers, staff and visitors – in line with the guidelines issued by the Australian Government.
Our Business Continuity Plan
Preparedness is core to our business and we want to reassure customers that we have established a Business Continuity Plan (BCP) that includes the following actions to support our operations:
- Our current guidance to employees is to participate virtually (via video/tele conference) in meetings whenever possible. In addition, we support any employee’s decision to refrain from attending face to face meetings.
- All business-related interstate and overseas travel has been stopped and major events organised by Pronto Software have been postponed. Our employees will also avoid public gatherings as guided by health authorities.
- All staff returning from overseas travel will be required to work from home for a period of 14 days after returning to Australia – this includes staff with immediate relatives who have recently returned from overseas.
- Our staff have the ability to work remotely using their laptops and other devices. We also have information from key providers (e.g. data centres) regarding their BCPs and are working closely with them. We have been running Business Continuity “shutdowns” in our offices to test various scenarios.
- We also use a number of collaboration tools so we’re not relying on a single form of communication. This includes an emergency SMS broadcast system to contact all staff at short notice.
We acknowledge that difficulties may be experienced as we all respond to this evolving situation. Our focus to support your business operations, while at the same time ensuring a safe environment for our respective employees, will remain utmost in our minds. Please contact your Pronto Software Account Manager or Branch General Manager, if you wish to raise any concerns or request assistance.
The following hygiene and safety protocols recommended by the World Health Organisation and Australia’s Chief Medical Officer have been implemented.
- If visitors have travelled internationally in the last 14 days, they are asked to advise their Pronto Software contact and conduct virtual meetings or defer the meeting to a later date
- Hand sanitisers are available in public areas, across our offices
- Periodic hand washing with soap and water (minimum 20 seconds) is highly encouraged
- We are liaising with our cleaners in each Pronto Software office to ensure surfaces are kept clean and disinfected
- Avoidance of close contact (at least 1.5 metres distance) with anyone who has cold or flu-like symptoms. Asking everyone to practice good hygiene and cover their nose/mouth when coughing/sneezing and dispose of used tissues immediately
- Reduced personal contact such as greeting with a handshake
- If visitors feel unwell while visiting our offices, they are asked to let us know immediately so that we can assist
- Visitors are asked to inform us if they become unwell/suspect they have contracted COVID-19 within 14 days of visiting our offices or being in a face to face meeting with our staff. We will inform visitors immediately if there is a concern they may have been exposed to someone with COVID-19 during their visit. Visitors are asked to please ensure their Pronto Software host has their contact details.
The Pronto Software COVID-19 Taskforce is meeting regularly to ensure we stay in sync with direction from the World Health Organisation, Department of Health and Australia’s Chief Medical Officer. We’re committed to taking additional steps, as necessary, to support our employees, customers and partners to ensure we all get through this period of uncertainty together.
Useful resources for further information about COVID-19
If you are unwell please seek medical attention, as suggested by the Australian Government or the Coronavirus hotline 1800 020 080.
State and Territory Health Departments for local updates
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