Other Industries

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What other industries do Pronto Software support?

Pronto Software’s flagship product, Pronto Xi ERP and analytics, and the extended suite of service capabilities can support a variety of industries. Continue reading the list below to find your industry or scroll down to learn more about how we can support your business.

Agriculture Industry

Agriculture contains many unpredictable elements and it’s then even more important to control your risks. Pronto Xi optimises key processes across procurement, transport, and quality control.

Learn more about Pronto Xi for Agriculture

Automotive Industry

As a rapid moving industry, businesses need to cost-effectively keep pace. Pronto Xi provides accurate financial performance clarity, with granular monitoring of operations and enhanced cost and revenue tracking.

Learn more about Pronto Xi for Automative

Building Material Suppliers

It’s vital to ensure quality, compliance and efficiency to remain competitive. Pronto Xi Manufacturing Management provides full supply chain visibility, efficient goods management and real-time insights.

Learn more about Pronto Xi for Building Material Suppliers.

Chemicals, Paper & Rubber

Shifting market demands and strict environmental regulations can be tough. This is why Pronto Xi provides actionable insights for continuous production optimisation and compliance with environmental standards.

Discover Pronto Xi for the Chemicals, Paper & Rubber industries.

Facilities Management

Effective facilities management hinges on the quality of customer interaction and workforce efficiency. Pronto Xi ERP & analytics offers modules to automate processes, enhance efficiency, and minimises cost.

Read more about Pronto Xi for Facilities Management.


The Pronto Xi Retail application addresses the challenges of fashion retailers, wholesalers, and manufacturers. These challenges include disparate and non-integrated systems for inventory, distribution delays, high customer demand and eCommerce.

Find out more about Pronto Xi for the Fashion industry.

Homeware & Furniture

Retailers face the challenge of providing great customer experience, both in-store and online, profitably. Pronto Xi, an integrated solution, addresses this by enabling swift in-store payments, offering a unified view of customer preferences and ensuring efficient stock management.

Explore what Pronto Xi can do for Homeware & Furniture.

HVAC, Fire and Plumbing

When streamlining your service requests through digital platforms, you can improve response time and increase customer satisfaction. Pronto Xi’s mobile access means empowering your field technicians with real-time data, to enhance on-site decision-making and job accuracy.

Discover more about Pronto Xi for HVAC, Fire and Plumbing.

Industrial Machinery & Equipment

Flexibility in adapting to demand fluctuations is vital, requiring a granular understanding of production for swift decision-making and implementation. Pronto Xi ERP & analytics has the capacity to facilitate this and support your business.

Read more about Pronto Xi for Industrial Machinery & Equipment.

Oil & Gas

Pronto Xi is a specialised software for over 100 mining, oil, and gas companies in Australia, focusing on enhancing efficiency across the production lifecycle. It is able to provide real-time data, which enables much needed informed, quick decision-making in a volatile market.

Learn more about Pronto Xi for the Oil and Gas industries.

Office Supplies

To adapt, firms are turning to technologies like Pronto Xi, which facilitates personalized, responsive customer service and automates key business processes. This shift towards digital and automation helps streamline operations in inventory management, sales, and dispatch.

Click to explore more about Pronto Xi for Office Supplies.


Facing constrained budgets, pressure from generics, and increased regulation, the pharmaceutical industry must reassess business models for competitiveness. Technological advancements present opportunities for efficiency, particularly in process automation and information sharing.

Find out more about Pronto Xi for Pharmaceuticals.


The transportation industry is undergoing a digital transformation, significantly aided by technologies like Pronto Xi. This shift not only involves adopting new tools that can give your business a competitive edge, but also embeds a digital-first culture within your business.

Discover what Pronto Xi can do for Transportation.

Learn more about Pronto Xi ERP & analytics

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