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Pronto Software Reveals Pronto Xi 780, a Major Update to Leading ERP Solution
Updated 10 October, 2024 - 10amAll Posts
When ERP projects go wrong
Last year I published The big 5 ERP selection errors a CEO should avoid and when Bob, a colleague in the USA saw it on LinkedIn, he was quick to confirm
How technology can drive better service delivery outcomes
As growing service organisations meticulously weigh up the value of introducing new technologies into their business how can they be really sure that the solution fits with the strategy
Demand Forecasting – What might impact the results?
In an ever changing market businesses are constantly looking for ways to be more sustainable. One area might be in investigating ways to decrease inventory holdings and correct market
Making data meaningful in retail
Advancements in technology and business management software has truly revolutionised retailing. Software with the capability to provide retailers with customer insights and data has never been so cost effective
8 tips to ensure a successful BI strategy
I’ve found that organisations often overestimate the ease of rolling out a successful Business Intelligence program. Recognising the breadth of impact it will have on their organisation can sometimes
7 Customer Service Trends in Retail
Providing customer service has been around since people started doing business together. The challenge for retailers in the Omni-channel digital age is evolving at the speed of the customer.
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