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Pronto Software’s Innovation Journey: Redefining Excellence with Continuous Delivery

Published On: July 9, 2024

Pronto Software is on an exciting innovation journey, which kicked off in May during the Pronto Software Summit, introducing the Pronto Xi continuous delivery release cycle.

Our ongoing commitment is to provide our customers with the best software and tools to drive business success. The new continuous delivery approach is at the heart of this commitment, designed to bring innovation and stability to customer operations. In this inaugural blog, we want to share our vision and the tangible benefits of this model that will support your future business success.

Under the new continuous delivery model, we will release a new version of Pronto Xi twice a year. This six-monthly release cycle allows us to introduce enhancements, new features, and improvements more frequently, ensuring Pronto Xi remains cutting-edge and aligned with your evolving business needs. Adopting a more frequent release schedule will also increase our responsiveness to customer feedback, industry trends, and technological advancements.

These six-monthly releases are meticulously planned and tested to simplify the transition to the latest version of Pronto Xi. Our goal is to minimise disruption while maximising value, allowing you to take advantage of the latest advancements without the hassle of major upgrades.

However, we understand the importance of stability and long-term planning for your business. That’s why in addition, every two years, a release of Pronto Xi will be a long-term support (LTS) version. An LTS release will provide extended support and maintenance, giving you a solid stepping stone to move to continuous delivery.

With an LTS version, you will receive ongoing support, critical updates, compliance changes, and security patches for an extended period. This approach provides a reliable and predictable environment for sophisticated operations, ensuring your business remains secure and compliant with industry standards.

The move to continuous delivery brings several key benefits to your organisation. With more frequent updates, your ERP system will be more agile and responsive to changes in your business environment. Whether it’s a new regulation, a shift in market conditions, or an emerging technology, you can quickly adapt and stay ahead of the curve.

Continuous delivery allows us to introduce new features and improvements incrementally, making it easier for your team to adopt and leverage these enhancements. This incremental approach reduces the software learning curve and ensures your staff can quickly leverage new capabilities.

Our journey towards continuous delivery is Pronto Software’s commitment to providing you with the best ERP software and solutions to achieve your business goals. This approach will enhance your ERP experience and empower you to innovate and thrive in a dynamic business environment.

In future communications and blogs, we will explore specific features, updates, and the importance of upgrading to Pronto Xi 780 to adapt to the new release life cycle starting in September 2026. We are excited to share this journey so stay tuned for more insights and updates as we continue to evolve together.

Thank you for your trust and partnership in a future of continuous improvement and success.

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